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All about epotec pool paint for swimming pool waterproofing


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Inner walls of a swimming pool should be coated with an agent which not only provides long term waterproofing, but also withstands all types of chemicals commonly added in swimming pool water. Furthermore, the waterproofing agent must also have a smooth surface and should be easy to clean. All these characteristics and more are found in epotec pool paint. This is a pool grade epoxy pool paint which has been specifically manufactured to remain immersed in water without breaking up. Epotec expoxy pool paint is available with specialist epoxy paint suppliers Sydney. Epotec is long lasting and its performance is closely related to the correct method of application.


Epotec firmly attaches chemically with the concrete surface to provide waterproofing. This is crucial in concrete swimming pools since pool water cannot be allowed to reach the steel reinforcements used in the structure of a concrete swimming pool. Thus, epotec epoxy is suitable for waterproofing the inner walls during concrete swimming pool repairs Sydney. A thick coating of the paint ensures that the steel reinforcements remain protected from water at all times thereby eliminating any risk of structural collapse.

Waterproofing action of epotec can also be utilized in fiberglass swimming pools. The gel coat of a fiberglass swimming pool is the finishing on the inner surface. The gel coat can start wearing out with time as evidenced by the appearance of brown areas and black spots. Algae growth and osmosis can also damage the gel coat. As a result, water starts getting absorbed through the gel coat into the underlying structure of the pool causing damage to the fiberglass layers. This condition can be reversed by replacing the gel coat with epoxy paint for fiberglass Sydney. Re-fiberglassing and other kinds of repairs such as gel coat repairs, osmosis repairs, pool bracing and resurfacing may be carried out before applying epotec paint.

Epotec also protects the concrete against hydrostatic water pressure. Hydrostatic pressure is created when concrete comes in direct contact with liquid. Hydrostatic pressure causes the liquid or gas molecules to move through the concrete. This is especially true in case of concretes with imperfections such as cracks, honeycombs, etc. Epotec keeps water away from the concrete mass and prevents the development of hydrostatic pressure.


Greater the applied thickness of the epotec paint more is the strength of the coating. Since there are no solvents in epotec pool paint the thickness of the cured coating is same as the applied thickness. The normal dry film thickness of epotec is 320 microns when applied using the correct methods.

Colour range

The colour of the swimming pool should either contrast or match the colour of the surroundings such as vegetation, tiles, etc. Dark colours warm the water. There are many types of epotec epoxy paint colours Sydney such as various shades of blue, black, chamois, slate grey, white and others. Since epotec tends to get yellowed with time, it is better to opt for lighter shades.



Epotec has many superior characteristics which makes it better than other kinds of epoxies available in the market.


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